Exoneura robusta

(Exoneura robusta)


Exoneura robusta is a species of the primitively eusocial allodapine bee, belonging to the genus commonly referred to as "reed bees". Their common name derives from their use of the soft pith of dead fern fronds as a nesting material. They are native to southeastern Australia, living in both montane and heathland habitats. E. robusta do not have a fixed pattern of sociality, but rather they are capable of adapting their social strategy to different environments. While typically univoltine (producing one brood per season), populations living in warmer habitats (such as those in higher latitude heathlands) are capable of producing two broods per season. This leads to the incidence of sibling rearing and eusocial behavior. E. robusta lack strict morphological castes, thus allowing for their plastic social behavior and dominance hierarchies.

Taxonomic tree:

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Insecta
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