Striped narrow-headed softshell turtle

(Chitra chitra)


The magnificent striped narrow-headed softshell turtle (Chitra chitra) is one of the largest freshwater turtles,with a carapace reaching impressive lengths of up to 122 centimetres.This species is easily distinguished from other softshell turtles by the exquisite,boldly striped pattern of dark wavy lines on the upper surface of its head,neck,and shell.The striped narrow-headed softshell turtle has a light brown to yellowish-brown carapace which can be rounded or slightly elongated,and the plastron is cream-coloured to pinkish-white,with no pattern or markings The head is long and narrow,with the eyes close to the tip of the snout.Adult male striped narrow-headed softshell turtles can be distinguished from females and juveniles by their longer,thicker tails.

Taxonomic tree:

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Reptilia
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