(Montivipera wagneri)
V.wagneri grows to a maximum total length (body + tail) of 70 to 95 cm (28 to 37 in).The head is relatively large,elongate,and distinct from the neck.The snout is rounded and covered with small keeled scales.The rostal is in contact with 2-3 apical scales.The eyes are in broad contact with the large supraoculars and surrounded by 12-15 circumorbital scales.Across the top of the head,there are 6-7 interocular scales.There are usually 9 upper labials and 12-13 lower labials.The former are separated from the eye by 1-2 rows of scales.The nostril is located within a single nasal scale.The temporal scales are keeled,and there is usually one canthal scale on either side of the head.Midbody there are 23 rows of keeled dorsal scales.There are 2-3 preventral scales,161-170 ventrals,and 23-31 paired subcaudals.The anal plate is single.The dorsal color pattern consists of a grayish ground color,overlaid with a central series of occasionally connected blotches or spots that run from the back of the head to the tail.These blotches are light brown to yellowish brown or orange,with black borders,and each is 4-8.5 scales wide.The top of the head usually has two black elongated blotches that form a large dark open V marking,but without an apex.The arms of the V end on the neck.There is usually a dark stripe that runs from the corner of the eye to the angle of the mouth.