(Bassia hyssopifolia)
Bassia hyssopifolia is a species of flowering plant in the amaranth family, Amaranthaceae, known by the common names five-horn smotherweed, five-hook bassia, and thorn orache. It is native to parts of Asia and Eastern Europe, and it is known on other continents as an introduced species, including North and South America and Australia. It is a weed, invasive at times. The Latin word hyssopifolia (which also occurs in several other plant names, including that of cuphea hyssopifolia) means "hyssop-leafed". This species is an annual herb with simple or branching stems usually growing up to a metre tall, or sometimes taller. The leaf blades are flat and linear to lance-shaped. The lowest leaves are up to 6 centimetres long. The inflorescence is a short, narrow spike occupying the upper stem. It is lined with woolly-haired flowers growing solitary, paired, or in clusters of three. The small flower has five segments, each of which has a hooked spine at maturity. The fruit is less than 2 millimetres long. The hooked spines of the flower persist on the dry fruit. This species resembles kochia (Bassia scoparia), but it has longer, hairier flower spikes. It has been mistaken for Russian thistle (Kali tragus), but it is less branched and less spiny. It is also similar to lamb's quarters (Chenopodium album), but its leaves are smaller and narrow to a point.