(Begonia picta)
Painted Leaf Begonia is a common begonia of the Himalayas. It is a tuberous herb, 0-8 cm tall. Leaves are few, 4- cm long, 3.5-0 cm wide, broadly ovate, doubly toothed, base heart- shaped, tip long-pointed. Upper leaf surface is hairy, lower hairy on veins. Leaves are often blotched purple or variegated, hence the common name. Leaf stalk is 3-0 cm, hairy. Light pink flowers are borne elevated above the leaves. Male flower have 4 petals, outer ones . x cm, nearly round to broadly ovate, obtuse, pink; inner petals 3 x 8 mm, oblong, pink-white. Stamens are numerous. Female flower have 5 petals, 8- mm long, ovate-oblong. Styles are 3, persistent. Capsule is pendulous, 7-0 mm long, 3-winged; wings pointing upwards, green, unequal, 3-8 mm, 7-0 mm and 7-5 mm broad, all velvety. Flowering: August-September.