(Gironniera celtidifolia)
Shrub or medium-sized tree up to 18 m tall and 25 cm ø. Bark greyish-brown to dark-brown, smooth or finely fissured. Leaves thick-coriaceous, elliptic-, lanceolate-, or obovate-oblong, (8-) 15-25(-42) by (4-)6-12(-19) cm, index 2½-3½, broadest at or above the middle; Inflorescences a condensed, capitate, much-branched panicle or thyrse, axillary or borne on older, leafless branchlets, many-flowered, ♂or ♀, very rarely ♂♀, including the bracts densely appressed-hairy; Fruit ovoid-, ellipsoid, sparsely appressed-hairy, glabrescent, 5-8 by 4-6 by 3-4 mm, beak up to 5 mm.