(Laguncularia racemosa)
Bucida buceras was described and the name validly published by Carl Linnaeus in 1759. Bucida buceras is a species in the genus Bucida which contains between 6 and 10 species and belongs to the family of the Combretaceae (Indian-almond Family). The comparatively fast-growing and short-lived trees have a oval habit and reach heights of 15 to 23 metres. The main growing season is from fall to spring.Bucida buceras is evergreen. The simple leaves are alternate. They are oblanceolate with entire margins and pinnate venation. The foliage is dense.Bucida buceras produces spikes of brilliant greenish yellow flowers from March to May. The trees produce black fruits in summer and autumn. The trees prefer a shady situation on moist soil. They prefer soil with a pH between 4 and 8 and need a soil depth of at least 91 centimetres for good growth. The plants tolerate temperatures down to -45°C and need a frost-free period of at least 52 weeks.