(Terminalia schimperiana)
Terminalia schimperiana is a species of Terminalia, native to tropical Africa from Guinea and Sierra Leone east to Uganda and Ethiopia. It is a broadleaved small tree that can reach up to 7–14 m, variably deciduous in the dry season to semi-evergreen, depending on the climate. The leaves are alternate, simple, elliptic to obovate, entire, 9–15 cm long and 3–8 cm broad, green above with pale undersides. The flowers are tiny and form pale spikes at the base of the leaves. The fruit is a samara with a single wing 6–9 cm long, that turns brown with age. It can be found in open forest habitats with more than 1300 mm of rainfall per year as well as closed forest. When it is found in closed forest, it typically is part of the forest canopy. It may be the dominant large tree species where it is found. Fire and debarking by elephants can damage the trees.