(Lithocarpus calophyllus)
Trees to m tall.Young branchlets sparsely puberulent above middle;branchlets of last year growth blackish,lenticellate.Petiole .- cm;leaf blade broadly elliptic,ovate,or oblong,- × - cm,rigidly leathery,abaxially densely tawny to rusty scurfy when young and ± glaucous with age,adaxially glabrous,base subrounded to slightly auriculate and sometimes asymmetric,apex acute to acuminate with a caudate tip;secondary veins - on each side of midvein,adaxially impressed,abruptly curving,obscure near margin;tertiary veins abaxially slender,evident,subparallel.Male inflorescences in a panicle,less than cm.Female inflorescences to 0 cm;rachis - mm thick;cupules in clusters of -,rarely solitary on basal part of rachis.Cupule 0.- × .-. cm,shallowly cupular,enclosing /-/ of nut,wall to mm thick and thickly woody near base.Nut .- × .-. cm,often slightly white farinose,apex flat with a ± concave to shortly pointed center,wall ca. mm thick;scar -. cm in diam.,concave.Fl.Jun-Jul,fr.Aug-Sep of following year.