(Lithocarpus oleifolius)
Trees - m tall;branchlets,petioles,leaf blades abaxially,and rachis of inflorescences rusty pilose.Petiole -. cm;leaf blade oblong to lanceolate,- × - cm,rigidly papery,abaxially with appressed hairs and waxy scalelike trichomes,base cuneate,margin entire or rarely ± undulate on apical part,apex narrowly acuminate;secondary veins - on each side of midvein;tertiary veins abaxially not visible.Male inflorescences -many in a panicle,rarely solitary.Female inflorescence with cupules in clusters of ca..Infructescences - cm;rachis - mm thick.Cupule globose,depressed globose,or pear-shaped,.-. cm in diam.,completely enclosing nut or sometimes / of nut,wall to mm thick near base;bracts imbricate,triangular,appressed,with lanceolate,± lax scalelike trichomes.Nut depressed globose to subglobose,-. cm in diam.,glabrous;scar .- cm in diam.,concave.Fl.Aug-Sep,fr.Oct-Nov of following year.