(Lithocarpus pachyphyllus)
Lithocarpus pachyphyllus,Common name: stone oak,Trees to m tall.Young branchlets covered with lamellate,rust-colored,waxy scalelike trichomes,sulcate.Petiole .-. cm;leaf blade elliptic to ovateelliptic,0-0 × - cm,thinly or thickly leathery,abaxially dark red when young,glaucous with age,and with minute lamellate waxy scalelike trichomes,base broadly cuneate and ± decurrent on petiole,margin entire and usually emarginate,apex caudate with tip blunt to rounded;secondary veins - on each side of midvein,adaxially impressed,abruptly curving apically,fusing near margin.Male inflorescences solitary in axils of leaves or terminal panicles.Female inflorescences in clusters of or ,to cm;cupules in clusters of -.Infructescences - mm.Cupule cupular,0.-. × .-. cm,variable in size,enclosing most of nut or sometimes only /-/ when mature,wall - mm thick;bracts fused with cupule and reduced to scars or triangular,irregularly multilateral,with rust-colored,lamellate,waxy scalelike trichomes.Nut depressed globose,.- × .- cm,glabrous,apex rounded to slightly pointed,wall -. mm thick;scar .-. cm in diam.,convex with impressed margin.