(Lithocarpus quercifolius)
Trees - m tall.Branchlets of current year pubescent.Leaves usually congested at apex of branches;petiole - mm;leaf blade oblong to obovate-elliptic,- × - cm,rigidly papery,concolorous,abaxially usually with tuft of hairs in axils of veins,base rounded to broadly cuneate,margin with a few acute teeth,apex acute;secondary veins - on each side of midvein,branched near margin with outer branch ending in a marginal tooth;tertiary veins conspicuous,slender.Male inflorescences ca. cm.Female flowers solitary,scattered above middle of male inflorescence rachis;rachis tawny pubescent.Infructescences - cm;rachis ca. mm thick.Cupule discoid,- mm × -. cm,enclosing basal part of nut;bracts imbricate,lanceolate when young,rhomboid to broadly triangular when mature,appressed,midvein ridged.Nut depressed globose,.-. × -. cm,covered with appressed minute hairs;scar .- cm in diam.,margin concave but center ± convex.Fl.Apr-Jun,fr.Sep-Oct.