(Lithocarpus tephrocarpus)
Trees 0- m tall;branchlets,bud scales,young leaf blades,and rachis of inflorescences densely covered with ± rough brown long hairs.Branches stout,conspicuously lenticellate.Petiole rarely longer than cm,- mm thick;leaf blade spatulate,obovate-oblong,or oblong,0-0 × -0 cm,leathery to thickly papery,± glaucous and abaxially with adherent,waxy scalelike trichomes when mature,base rounded to auriculate,margin entire or with a few teeth from middle to apex,apex acute with a blunt tip;secondary veins - on each side of midvein,adaxially slightly impressed,abruptly curving apically near margin but not fusing;tertiary veins subparallel.Infructescences - cm;rachis basally ca. cm thick,hairy.Cupules in clusters of ca. but or developed,subglobose,- cm in diam.,completely enclosing nut,apically narrowed and nipple-shaped,wall - mm thick;bracts imbricate,ovate-triangular,brownish pubescent.Nut subglobose,ca.. cm in diam.,sparsely covered with appressed hairs,wall ca. mm thick;scar covering base of nut,slightly convex.Fr.Aug.