(Lithocarpus wallichianus)
Lithocarpus wallichianus is an evergreen tree that can grow from 0 - 0 metres tall.The bole can be from 0 - 0cm in diameter,The tree is harvested from th wild for local use as a food and a source of materials.This is one of many timber-bearing species in the genus Lithocarpus that is harvested from the wild on a commercial basis and traded under the name Mempening,Habitat:Mixed dipterocarp forest on hills;at elevations up to 00 metres,Primary forests,usually growing on poor soils;at elevations up to ,00 metres,Cultivation Details: In the tropics,the genus Lithocarpus is generally found in lowland to montane forests,usually below elevations of ,000 metres occasionally to ,000 metres.The genus usually grows in areas with year-round rainfall,disliking dry seasons.Young plants usually grow sucessfully in the shade of woodland,but older trees like a more sunny position.Lithocarpus species are mainly found in well-drained soils,often growing on slopes;they tend to be tolerant of a range of soil textures and to prefer an acid to neutral pH.Seed - raw or cooked.Somewhat bitter.The ovoid seed is 0 - mm in diameter with a thick,woody shell.The seed is usually cooked before eating,though it can also be eaten raw.It can be eaten whole,though it is more commonly dried,then ground into a powder and used as a thickening in stews etc or mixed with cereals for making bread.The main disadvantage of Lithocarpus seed is that it is often rich in tannins,making it bitter and astringent.These tannins can be largely removed by soaking the seeds in water then throwing the water away.The process should be repeated until the seed no longer tastes bitter.