(Goodenia grandiflora)
Erect viscid shrub to c. 1.5 m high, with glandular and simple hairs.Leaves, cauline, ovate to circular, 2.5�5 cm long, to 6 cm wide, obtuse to cordate at base, margins toothed; petiole to 50 mm long, sometimes with small sessile leafy appendages. Flowers in leafy racemes or thyrses; stalks to 6 mm long, bracteoles near base. Sepals lanceolate, to 6 mm long. Corolla to 23 mm long, yellow, glandular-pubescent outside, villous inside, with enations, not auriculate; wings c. 3 mm wide. Indusium depressed-obovate. Fruit obovoid, 10�13 mm long; valves 2; seeds circular to elliptic, c. 3 mm long, brown to greyish, colliculate to tuberculate