(Scaevola densifolia)
Stems unribbed. Leaves flat, 10(-40) mm long, 2(-9) mm wide, hairy, with dense, glandular hairs; margins entire or toothed. Bracteoles present, 2.5(-5.5) mm long, hairy, with simple hairs. Flowers Presence pedicellate, the pedicels 0.8 mm long, hairy, with simple hairs. Calyx lobes present, Calyx length 1.8-2 mm long, hairy, with dense, simple hairs. Corolla white, 14(-17) mm long, rarely without auricles, not spurred, hairy on the outside, with dense, simple hairs, hairy on the inside, 0.5-0.6 mm wide. Anthers free. Ovary inferior, not gibbose; style 6.5(-8) mm long, hairy; indusium single, hairy; ovules one or two. Flowers in October, November and December. Occurs in the Mallee (MAL) and Esperance Plains (ESP) IBRA Region(s), of the South West (SW) Botanical Province.