(Velleia lyrata)
Perennial herb,glabrous or hairy. Leaves oblanceolate,to 0 cm long,to mm wide,margins entire or toothed. Scapes prostrate or decumbent,to cm long,with coarse retrorse hairs;bracteoles free,lanceolate to linear,to mm long.Sepals ,free;upper one lanceolate to oblong,± cordate,? mm long.Pedicels with appressed villous hairs.Corolla ? mm long,shortly spurred,yellow with purplish markings;pubescent outside,glabrous inside,with enations;wings much shorter than inferior lobes,c. mm wide.Indusium semi-circular,c. mm wide. Capsule ovoid,c. mm diam.,± glabrous;seeds circular,c.. mm diam.,punctate;wing narrow.