(Iris hoogiana)
Iris hoogiana is a plant species in the genus Iris, it is also in the subgenus Iris and in the section Regelia. It is a rhizomatous perennial, from the grassy mountainsides of Turkestan. It has long green leaves, which are slightly purple at the base, and a long slender flowering stem. The flowers are blue, ranging from sky-blue to lavender blue and blue purple. It has orange or yellow beards. It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in temperate regions. Iris hoogiana has a stout, or thick rhizome that produces many long, slender, fleshy secondary stolons,which travel through the ground searching for minerals to feed the plant.They can be between 40–80 cm (16–31 in) long. It also uses the stolons to form colonies of plants and spread over an area. When the plant is dormant (in autumn and winter), it is very similar in form to Iris stolonifera. It has glaucous green,or mid green, or bright green leaves. That have a slight tinge of (or are stained,) purple at the base of the leaf. They are sword-shaped,or ensate, and slightly curved.They can grow up to between 35–50 cm (14–20 in) long, and between 1–2 cm wide. The leaves begin to fade and die after, the plant has flowered. It has stems that can grow up to between 40–60 cm (16–24 in) tall. They are normally taller than the foliage,and can also have a slight purple tinge. The stem has green spathes or bracts (leaves of the flower bud), that are 4.5–8.9 cm (2–4 in) long and 2 cm wide.They have a membranous margin, which is tinged with purple, or red. The unbranched, stems hold 2 or 3 terminal (top of stem) flowers,blooming late spring, or early summer, between April and May, or between May and June. In the United States, it flowers in mid to southern states between early April to early May and it also flowers in mid to northern states between late April to early June. The scented flowers, are 7–10 cm (3–4 in) in diameter.They come in shades of blue, from sky-blue, mid-blue,grey-blue, lilac-blue, lavender, to blue-purple, or lilac violet.There is occasionally a white, or very pale blue form. But they are not very vigorous and poorly lived.