Iris sari

(Iris sari)



Iris sari is a hardy perennial,with a tuberous rhizome, which is up to 2 cm in diameter. Under the rhizome are long secondary roots, which locate mineral salts to absob. It has 5-7 leaves, which can be slightly curved, falcate shaped or almost straight, or sword shaped. They are small, and 0.3-0.9 cm wide. It is intermediate in size between the smaller species of the Caucasus region, such as Iris acutiloba, and the large Syrian plants as Iris lortetii and Iris gatesii. It grows on rocky steppe area, on rich mountain slopes, on stony hills and on rubble covered slopes. The plants can be found at an altitudes of between 900–2,700 m (3,000–8,900 ft) above sea level. It often found growing with tall umbellifers, peonies, vetches among oak scrub.

Taxonomic tree:

Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
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