(Iris warleyensis)
Iris warleyensis is a species in the genus Iris, it is also in the subgenus Scorpiris. It is a bulbous perennial from Central Asia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It has long arching mid-green leaves, thin stem and spring flowers in shades of blue. Iris warleyensis is very similar in form to Iris orchioides and Iris bucharica, but differs in colour and has a white horn-like edge to the leaves. It has a bulb with a brown papery skin and thick storage roots. The leaves start as 1.5–3 cm wide at the base of the plant, and appear at the end of the flowering time. They are arching, scattered, lance-shaped, channeled, mid green in colour, with a white margin. They can also grow up to 20 cm long. It grows to a height of between 20–45 cm (8–17.5 in) tall. In spring, April (in the US), it produces between 3 and 5 flowers. The flowers come in shades of blue, ranging from deep violet, purplish-blue, summer-evening blue, to pale lilac. They are 5–7 cm (2–3 in) wide. Each fall has a darker blue apex and a yellow (or white) stain or crest in the centre. The blades curve down. The standards are deflexed, pale blue with a night-blue band in the centre, and 1–2 cm long. The standards can also vary in shape, from narrowly linear to almost 3-lobed shaped. Iris warleyensis, Iris bucharica and Iris orchioides, all have cubiform seeds. But I. warleyensis seeds have a conspicuous cream coloured seam (known as a 'raphe') all the way down one side from top to bottom. Iris is a genus of 260–300 species of flowering plants with showy flowers. It takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow, which is also the name for the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris. Some authors state that the name refers to the wide variety of flower colors found among the many species. As well as being the scientific name, iris is also widely used as a common name for all Iris species, as well as some belonging to other closely related genera. A common name for some species is 'flags', while the plants of the subgenus Scorpiris are widely known as 'junos', particularly in horticulture. It is a popular garden flower. Irises are perennial plants, growing from creeping rhizomes (rhizomatous irises) or, in drier climates, from bulbs (bulbous irises). They have long, erect flowering stems which may be simple or branched, solid or hollow, and flattened or have a circular cross-section.