(Moraea alticola)
Moraea alticola is a plant and geophyte belonging to the genus Moraea. The species is native to KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Eastern Cape and the Free State and occurs from Mont-aux-Sources to the Naudésnek Pass in the Drakensberg, at altitudes of 2200-2900m. Moraea (Cape tulips) is a flowering plant genus belonging to Iridaceae and was first described in 1758. The genus is named after the English botanist Robert More. Plants of the genus are deciduous and geophytic. Moraea, the Cape tulips, is a genus of plants in the family Iridaceae, first described as a genus in 1758. The group is widespread across Africa, the Mediterranean, and central and southwestern Asia. The genus name is a tribute to the English botanist Robert More. Moraeas have iris-like flowers. The corms of some species have been used as food, however they are usually small and some species are unpleasant, and some are poisonous.