(Antiaris toxicaria macrophylla)
The PSUs (Antiaris toxicaria ye a tree from the family of Morace , nativu Southeast asiaticus . On the island of Xava , where it is enough, know how upas, by the native word to designate it they come , since the latex used as a bird to poison fleches It is a large tree, algamando 40 m d'altor, with a straight shaft and delgao of not more than 40 cm diametru recubiertu d'a bent and rough bark. They are bandoneon are el�ptiques, d'entity 7 and 20 cm and 3 to 6 llargu d'Anchu. Both the bark and the xamasca contain a latex mafosu, ricu nel glucoside antiarina ; the frutu ye one drupa acoloratada d'Diametru about 2 cm.