(Neurada procumbens)
Neurada procumbens is a one-year herb in the Neuradaceae family. It has a creepy growth and is woolly hair. Rota is up to 180 mm long, and the stems are 100-322 mm long. The leaves are hand-folded, 6-25 mm long and 4-15 mm wide. The flowers are 4-5 mm in size and have 5 green white petals 10 pollen carriers and 10 spikes The fruit is dry, flat on one side and vaulted on the other and 8-15 mm in diameter. The vaulted side has hard, quarry turrets. The plant grows on sand dunes and other dry places with sand. It is quite common and becomes beast of camels and sheep The species is prevalent in the subtropical desert belt of North Africa the Arabian Peninsula Palestine Syria Iraq Iran Afghanistan Pakistan and the Thar Desert in India The species also enters areas of Mediterranean climate and is found in sandy areas near the sea in North Africa, Palestine, Lebanon and Cyprus. It is the only species in the genus Neurada The flowers resemble those of the Rose family and in the past, Neuradaceae was considered Rosales often as a subfamily in the rose family.