Heisteria is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family of olacaceae . It comprises 79 species described and of these, only 30 accepted. 1 3 are distributed in Africa and the rest in tropical America, only 5 or 6 species are found in Central America , mostly in Panama and Costa Rica . They are shrubs, trees or rarely escacan lianas . Glabrous leaves Inflorescences sometimes fasciculated, many of the flowers abort early and few are fruitful; calyx cupuliforme, 5-lobado, acrescente and frequently red when it is fructifying; petals 4-5, glabrous to villous inside; stamens 10, in 2 whorls; ovary superior, ovules 3, short style, stigma 3-lobado. Fruit an ellipsoid or globose drupe , almost always very colored, with 1 seed.