Golden moths

(Diuris lanceolata)



Terrestrial herb. Leaves 3–9, linear to filiform, 6–15 cm long, 1–3 mm wide, erect. Raceme 15–40 cm high, 1–4-flowered. Flowers nodding, pale yellow to bright yellow with fine striations on the base of the labellum and dorsal sepal, 2.5–4 c. across. Dorsal sepal narrow-ovate to ovate, 12–16 mm long, 5–9 mm wide, obliquely erect. Lateral sepals linear to oblanceolate, 12–25 mm long, 2.5–4 mm wide, directed upward, parallel or divergent. Petals ± horizontal or drooping; lamina narrow-elliptic to ovate, 5–20 mm long, 4–9 mm wide; claw 2–7 mm long. Labellum 10–27 mm long; lateral lobes linear, 2–6 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, margins deeply lobed; callus of 2 fleshy, irregular, pubescent ridges 6–9 mm long, coalescent into a poorly defined central ridge 4–5 mm long, sometimes several ridges radiating on the midlobe.

Taxonomic tree:

Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
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