(Linaria pseudolaxiflora)
Linaria pseudolaxiflora is a plant from the family of the way Erich plants (Plantaginaceae). It is found only on the Pelagie Islands and Malta . Linaria pseudolaxiflora is an annual plant . The crawling, unbranched branch axis can be 5 to 22 inches long. The elliptical to narrow reverse lanceolate leaves are up to 10 millimeters long and 4 millimeters wide and taper almost pointedly to the extreme end. They are whorled in the lower part , above arranged alternately . Flowering time is between March and May. The inflorescence is a (heady) cluster with one to five flowers . The flower stems are up to about 6 millimeters in length significantly longer than the bracts . The calyx is 3 to 4.5 millimeters long, the calyx lobes are narrow oblong-round and tapered almost pointedly towards the extreme end. The bluish crown is 15 to 17 mm long, its spur 7 to 8 mm long and straight. The lobes of the upper lip are upright.