(Linaria supina)
Linaria supina is a herbaceous plant of the scrofulariaceae family. It is a perennial herb - sometimes annual or bienal -, hairy-glandulosa in the inflorescence - 0.2-1 mm thick - sometimes glabrous, usually ± glaucous. Fertile stems 1-30, 5-30 (40) cm, from procumbent to ascending, sometimes suberect, simple or branched; sterile stems 1-24, up to 17 cm, from procumbent to ascending. Leaves of the fertile stems 3-32 × 0.3-5 mm, linear, linear-oblanceolate or linear-subulate, acute or subacute - sometimes obtuse - flat or slightly revolute, the upper ones generally alternate, the lower alternate or arranged in whorls of 3-6; leaves of the sterile stems 2-20 × 0.3-2 mm, similar to those of the fertile, arranged in whorls of 3-6. Inflorescence up to 25 cm, with 2-23 (27) flowers, dense in anthesis, dense or lax in fruiting; bracts 2-11 × 0.3-1.3 mm, from linear to linear-oblanceolate, acute; Pedicels 0.5-3.5 mm in anthesis -1-7 mm in fruiting-, erect-patent or erect. Chalice with unequal sepals -sometimes subequal-, from subacute to obtuse; superior sepal 4-8 × 0.5-1 mm in the anthesis -4.5-8 × 0.6-1.2 in the fructification-, from linear-oblanceolate to linear-palpated; sepals inferior 2,5-6 × 0,7-1,2 mm in the anthesis -3-7 × 0,8-1,5 mm in the fructification-, from oblanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate. Corolla (13) 15-25 (27) mm, usually yellow or of a whitish yellow with violet veins, chestnut-violet, purple or of a greenish-gray, rarely ± tinged with violet or white; tube 3-4 mm wide; sinus of the upper lip 2-4 mm; sine of the lower lip 1,5-3 mm; spur 6,5-15 (18) mm -1,5-2 mm wide at its base-, usually slightly curved, sometimes ± straight, generally longer than the rest of the corolla, sometimes subigual or shorter. Capsule 3-7.5 × 2.8-7.5, globose, glabrous or with glanduliferous hairs of 0.1-0.2 mm in its upper half. Seeds 1.7-2.8 (3.3) × 1.5-2.7 (3) mm, suborbicular, plano-convex or ± concave-convex; disc ± reniform, smooth or tuberculate, black or of a dark gray; wing 0.3-0.6 mm wide, membranous, entire - rarely subentera -, not thickened, not papillose, black or dark gray.