(Veronica alpina)
Veronica of the Alps (scientific name Alpine Veronica L. , 1753 ) is a plant herbaceous perennial belonging to the family of Plantaginaceae . The generic name ( Veronica ) comes from the biblical character Santa Veronica , the woman who gave Jesus a cloth to wipe his face while on the road to Calvary. Some spots and marks on the petals of the corolla of this flower seem to resemble those of Veronica's sacred handkerchief. For this plant name are indicated other etymologies such as the Arabic "viru-niku" , or others derived from the Latin as "true-icon" (true image). The specific name ( alpine ) means "of the alpine areas", therefore of origin or alpine habit. The scientific name of the species was defined by Linnaeus (1707 - 1778), also known as Carl von Linné, a Swedish biologist and writer considered the father of the modern scientific classification of living organisms, in the publication " Species Plantarum - 1: 11" of 1753. Racemes of the inflorescence: A) terminal racemes separated from the leaves; B) terminal racemes not separated from the leaves; C) lateral racemes The height of this plant varies between 5 and 15 cm. The biological form is scaposa hemicryptophytes (H scap), that is to say they are herbaceous plants , perennial biological cycle, with buds wintering at ground level and protected by litter or snow and are equipped with an erect and often leafless flower axis.