(Nectouxia formosa)
Nectouxia formosa-is a plant species in the-family-of the-Night Shadow plants-(Solanaceae).-It is the only-species-of the-genus-Nectouxia-. Nectouxia formosa are cryptophytic (long-lasting perennial organs), herbaceous plants reaching a height of 20 to 60 cm. The plants are a little nasty. On drying, the plants become significantly darker. The organs of persistence are fleshy rhizomes , which have fine, scaly like leaflets . The sprout axis grows erect, is glandular-haired with simple trichomes with single or multicellular trichomes.The foliage leaves are egg-shaped to broadly ovate, the leaf blades 4 to 7 (rarely to 10) cm long, longer than the petioles. The tip is pointed or sharp-pointed, the base usually heart-shaped.The flowers stand individually, hanging to nodding on 1 to 2 cm long petal stems. The radial-symmetrical calyx is 11 to 19 (24) mm long, five-divided, the sepals are separated from each other almost to the base. The individual segments are about 12 - 0.5 to 1.5 mm in size, rough-haired with trichomes up to 2 mm long and unlike the trichomes on the remaining plant. The yellow or yellow-green crown is radial-symmetric, transversely shaped, glabrous and 18 to 25 (43) mm long. The crown-tube passes into a spreading crown-space, which forms five short, egg-shaped to broadly ovate, or slightly pointed crown-lobes. These are initially upright, later protruding. Its size is about 15 - 6 mm. At the transition between the corolla and the hem, there is an annular ring, about 2 to 4 mm high. By drying, the petals turn dark brown to black.The completely or almost completely located in the crown stamens are fixed near the distal edge of the corolla tube. The dust threads are 2.8 to 3.8 mm long, the two Theka are free from each other in the lower 1/3 to 1/4. They are dorsally covered with an approximately 1.5 mm long plate-shaped extension of the stamens.The two-leaved fruit node is conical, the nectaries are very distinct. The stylus is terminal, the scar is disc-shaped, small and severely dented.The fruits are berries which are mostly pointed, have a length of 2 to 3 cm and contain about ten seeds . These are flat kidney-shaped, pressed, smooth and 1.8 to 2.5 mm long. The embryo is rotated, the cotyledons are slightly longer than the rest of the embryo. The endosperm is sparse.