(Solanum aculeastrum)
“Pet poisonous” – Toxic parts: entire plant esp. berries Solanum aculeastrum is commonly known as soda apple, sodaapple nightshade, goat apple, poison apple, or more ambiguously as "bitter-apple". It is a poisonous nightshade species from Africa and not related to true apples. The term "soda apple" probably derives from "Sodom apple", modified due to the fruit's detergent properties. It is a-shrub-or small-tree-native to tropical-Africa-south to-South Africa, in a wide range of soil, terrain, and climatic conditions. It is highly branched and reaches 1-5 m high, with numerous sharp, hooked, brown-thorns. The-leaves-are ovate, up to 15-cm long and 13-cm broad, with lobed margins and downy undersides. It-flowers-(in South Africa) from September to July, peaking from November to March. The petals are white to pale violet surrounding the ovary, the flower also has a bitter, sour smell. These yield to-fruit-from April to January, peaking in June and November.