(Solanum conocarpum)
Solanum conocarpum, commonly known as marron bacoba, is a vascular plant species in the Solanaceae family found in the US Virgin Islands.Solanum conocarpum-is a thornless and-flowering plant. It is a-perennial-shrub that is endemic to the island of-St. John, USVI-where there are only approximately 190 plants in the wild. The historical record shows the species was previously found in Puerto Rico and in the-U.S. Virgin Islands Dry Forest-of both St. Thomas and St. John.-Solalnum conocarpum-can reach up to nine feet high and is found in the dry,-deciduous-forests of St. John. This shrub grows up to about 3 meters with a number colored bark, elliptical shaped leaves about 2 cm long, and lavender-colored flowers.