(Solanum tuberosum)
Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja is a cultivar-group of diploid potato plants originating from the Andean valleys in South America. The group differs from other potato cultivar-groups by the absence of dormant tubers. This means that the tuber immediately begins to grow once it is formed, without a resting period. This explains why the varieties of the group are to be planted in areas with a mild climate, where culture throughout the year is possible. By hybridization with Solanum tuberosum by the Scottish Crop Research Institute, varieties were obtained who are adapted to the European climate. These crossings are particularly popular as a culinary potato for their excellent taste. "Cultivar-groups" are taxonomic categories used by the International Code of Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants (ICNCP) to associate of cultivars (cultivated varieties) of plants with traits useful to agriculturalists. The criteria used to distinguish potato cultivar-groups include non-morphological traits such as frost tolerance, tuber dormancy, daylength adaptation, and ploidy level.