Aegiphila is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family of Lamiaceae , two previously in the Verbenáceas . They are native to Mexico and tropical America . It includes 247described species and of these, only 148 accepted. They are shrubs, trees or vines. Simple leaves, generally opposite, entire (in Nicaragua) or sometimes jagged. Cimosa inflorescences, frequently paniculated summits, umbellid, capitated, fasciculate or reduced to a few flowers, bracts almost always small and inconspicuous, heterostil flowers, generally white, greenish or yellowish; campanulate or tubular chalice, accented in the fruit, truncated apex or 4 or 5-dentate or lobed; corundum infundibuliform, regular, wolves 4 or 5; stamens 4 or 5, included or exerted; style included or exerto, bifid stigma with long branches and shaped edges. Druceous fruit; seeds.