(Bouchea notabilis)
They are herbs that reach a size of up to 1.5 m tall. Leaves opposite, simple, ovate (lanceolate), 3.5-9.5 cm long and 2-6 cm wide, apex acute, truncate base and then abrupt and briefly decurrent, margin mucronate-toothed, puberulent. Inflorescence spiked clusters up to 30 cm long, terminal or terminal and axillary, completely puberulent to tomentosa, thick and very short pedicels (ca 1 mm); Linear bracts, 3-6 mm long; Tubular calyx 6-10 mm long (elongating only slightly in the fruit), teeth 4, uneven, arched, 1-2 mm long; Corolla hipocrateriforme, slightly zygomorphic, blue, purple or purple with white center, tube 7-11 mm long, wolves 5, uneven; Stamens 4, included; Style filiforme and exerto, stigma unequally 2-lobed. Fruit a schizocarp separating in 2 mericarpos of 9-15 mm long, apex with a face of 2-7 mm long; Seed 1 per mericarpo.