(Clerodendron sansibarense)
A shrub, with branchlets pubescent upwards. Leaves shortly petioled, oblong, narrowed or rounded to the base, 4 in. long by half as broad, entire, membranous, glabrous on both surfaces. Cymes few-flowered, axillary, long-peduncled; pedicels 1/4� 1/2 in. long; bracts subulate, minute. Calyx turbinate, subglabrous, 1/4 in. long; lobes ovate, obtuse, reflexed, as long as the tube. Corolla-tube curved, glabrous, 1/2 in. long; lobes lanceolate, obtuse, pubescent outside, rather longer than the tube. Filaments longer than the lobes, tomentose at the base.