Mulguraea tetragonocalyx

(Mulguraea tetragonocalyx)


They are small, epiphytic or terrestrial shrubs. Leaves alternate, perennial, sessile or petiolate, coriaceous, inconspicuously planted, the margins flattened to revolutes, whole or crenados. Axillary inflorescences, solitary flowers, in pairs, or in lax clusters with few flowers; Floral bract 1, small; Pedicels articulated with the chalice; Bractolas 2. Flowers (4-) 5-mer, without aroma, valved stool; Chalice, the tube terete, obtusely angled, or narrowly winged, the apiculated wolves; Corolla simp-tala, tubular, subcilindrical, cylindrical-campanulate, or urceolate-globose; Stamens 10, equal, almost as long as the corolla; Different filaments or connates, the same, the connectives without spurs; Anthers equal, absent tissue disintegration, granular teas, tubules longer and thinner than teats, Dehiscent by tiny pores, subterminals, oblique or by short slits; Wireless pollen of viscina; Style as long as the corolla. Fruits in berries.

Taxonomic tree:

Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
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