(Verbena halei)
An erect, rough, hairy, square-stemmed plant, Texas vervain is an erect plant 1-2 1/2 feet tall, with several branches in the upper part. The leaves vary widely, with the bottom leaves deeply cut in some cases and the upper leaves slightly-toothed,-or sometimes with smooth margins. Leaves are 3/4-3 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide. There are several small flowers in long, loose clusters, blooming around thestem-from the bottom up, usually 6-20 flowers blooming at the same time. They are bluish to lavender, 1/4 inch across, trumpet-shaped, ending in 5 petal-like lobes. This species is a member of the verbena family (family Verbenaceae), which includes about 75 genera and 3,000 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees, mostly of tropical and warm temperate regions. Among them, teak is a highly prized furniture wood, and Vervain, Lantana, Lippia or Frog Fruit, and Chase Tree or Vitex are grown as ornamentals.